Grand Challenges Impact Lab

January 11, 2025

From Green Fields to Burning Streets


On our visit to the Gandhian School of Natural Farming, we were joined by Bhargavi Rao, whom we had met just yesterday at BMS. To list all of the work Bhargavi is involved in would require me to write an entire blog post about her, so, I’ll simply say that her efforts focus on environmental justice and education. After spending a few hours touring the farm and learning about the fascinating practices of natural farming, we hopped back onto the vans to head back to the hostel. On our trip back, I had planned to finish the last chapter of Whole Numbers and Half Truths and perhaps take a nap as well. Before I could get comfortable, Ashutosh offered the chance to travel back with him and Bhargavi and ask her any questions we had to the first person that raised their hand. At first, no one spoke up, so I decided to take the opportunity. Honestly, I didn’t have any questions at the time and I wasn’t sure if I would. As I walked to the car and sat next to her, I wondered whether I should have just stuck with my original plan. It seemed like the more “comfortable” choice, as it wouldn’t require me to come up with questions on the spot, which I have never been good at. However, I am very glad that I took the chance to talk to her. As our conversation unfolded, I found myself asking more questions that Bhargavi kindly answered. Through our discussion, I learned a lot about Bengaluru that I would have never picked up just by observing. We covered a variety of topics, but one moment that stood out to me was when we passed two different fires used for waste incineration in the span of a minute. Bhargavi explained that these fires are often set when trash piles up on the streets and someone takes it upon themselves to burn it, despite the fact that it is illegal. In the past, waste was mostly biodegradable—taken away by animals or absorbed by nature. But with the rise of plastics, paper, and cardboard, these materials don’t break down easily, so burning them has become a common solution. I asked if it would be possible to return to biodegradable materials, or if it was as expensive here as it is back home. What Bhargavi shared went beyond affordability; it also involves social status. While the wealthier classes have transitioned back to using biodegradable materials, lower-income groups often see more value in purchasing plastic bottles, as it gives them a sense of accomplishment. This insight was unexpected. To me, it seems like a vicious cycle: people buy plastic, it ends up on the streets, and if it’s not properly collected, it gets burned, causing harm to the community. Yet, when people can afford to buy plastic again, they do. Of course, this is just my perspective, and I won’t know the full story until I engage directly with those living through this experience. Realistically, I could be content with what I learned today and perhaps do a quick Google search to fill in the gaps—after all, that’s the “comfortable” approach. But with all the insights I gained today—from natural farming, the Karnataka Preservation of Trees Act, and saree weaving designs—my biggest takeaway is this: as long as people are willing to share their real-life experiences, I’d much rather ask them directly than search for answers online.
