Grand Challenges Impact Lab

2024 Student Blog

January 6, 2024

I am not a morning person


I am not a morning person. Four, eight, ten hours of sleep – it doesn’t matter. I still wake up tired. On top of that, after nearly a week of sleep deficit upon sleep deficit, the sweet embrace of sleep is all I can think of come evening time. So, you can imagine my dread…

The Small Details


Since the first day we arrived in Bangalore, one of the first things I have noticed is how the people we have met are not only willing, but excited to help us. I saw this the first couple of days in small ways; for example during our first activity, the scavenger hunt, a stranger approached…

January 5, 2024

Fortunate Son


“Far better ideas than those you or I have had have failed, and no one is crying about it.” If I had to boil it down to one sentence, these are the words I would take away at the end of the day. These are the words of Arun Cherian, founder of Rise Bionics. This…

Tired and Inspired: A Day of Discovery


My morning begins by rushing up to the rooftop to FaceTime my family back home. I miss my partner, whose presence I’ve grown used to having each night. Luckily, early mornings grant me the opportunity to chat about the previous day and express my excitement for the day ahead. After a breakfast of yummy “papas”…

January 4, 2024



How do I begin? It’s a question I keep asking myself. It’s a question I asked myself at 3 AM as I poured buckets of cold water on myself in the shower. A question I ask as I stare at the blank faces of my classmates lackadaisically chewing their first breakfast in the dining hall….

The Joys of Unfamiliarity


Truthfully, during our orientation day, I have been trying to keep a brave face, a face of courage, as every time I cross the street, I keep a stiff arm so far out away from me that I want to believe that it is as sturdy as the concrete made out of these homes we…

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